
Below the conference programme for this year's JESIUM. Note that smaller changes might still occur, we will keep everything up to date here on the website. Therefore we highly recommend regularly checking out the programme especially before booking travel and making other plans.

Download the poster list here for an easy overview of all poster titles and presenters, and also times and rooms for the poster sessions.

Please note that the programme framework is timezone sensitive. So whereever you are at the moment the programme is displayed according to your timezone. This small feature gives all virtual participants the exact timing for whereever they are, so that they cannot miss any of the talks and other parts and do not have to calculate and juggle with the time differences. The programme details are stable. Here we included Finnish times mainly to give you an idea about the length of each presentation within the overall structure.

[Abstracts, date 10/10/2022]

[Inside the below frame either hover with your mouse over the session of your choice or scroll to the right and click the +/– to the right of the title to maximise/minimise the session overview including titles and names.]

Please note the following additional information concerning data protection: At our events you will be asked to wear a name badge. Furthermore, at events organised by us photos might be taken or films shot, members of the press might attend, lectures might be transmitted virtually via a software still to be specified, there might also be video conferences or live streamings with or without recording. Upon request we will gladly provide you with more details, or ask us on-site during the event.